Will the new upgrades affect the cricket pitch at Taringa Playground Park or impact use of the pitch?
No. The cricket pitch will remain at Taringa Playground Park.
Will the upgrades consider a new dog off-leash area within Taringa Playground Park?
The Draft Opportunities Plan does not include a dog off-leash area as a potential addition to the park. Investigations were carried out during the pre-planning phase to consider installing a dog off-leash area. Findings indicated that the constraints of the site – including the size of the park, protection of trees and sloping edges, make a dog off-leash area not a viable option.
Will the upgrades consider a skate park within Taringa Playground Park?
The Draft Opportunities Plan does not include a skate park as a potential addition to the park. Investigations were carried out during the pre-planning phase to consider installing a skate park. Findings indicated that the constraints of the site – including the size of the park, protection of the trees and sloping edges, make a skate park not a viable option.
Will the toilet block currently featuring artwork created by the community be affected?
The toilet block is not currently in scope for upgrades and therefore the artwork will not be affected.