How many surveys were submitted?

    Over 1,400 submitted surveys for the first stage of engagement.

    Who did we hear from?

    Approximately 87% of respondents were local residents (approximately 66% lived within 2km of the foreshores and 32% lived within 500 meters).

    Where do people visit and why do they visit?

    Wynnum and Manly were identified as being visited the most. The top three reasons why the foreshore was visited was to go walking, to picnic and socialise, and to enjoy the foreshore and the natural environment.

    What do people value about the foreshores?

    People identified the natural environment, the pathways and the connection they provide along with being able to socialise there with friends and family as what they most valued about the foreshores.

    What did you hear from participants?

    • ‘Access to spaces that are freely available to all residents and visitors. The natural beauty of the mangroves, green spaces and the bay is restorative, beautiful and central reason my family and I live in the area’.
    • ‘The foreshore provides a safe haven and feeding area for migratory wading birds. These birds are under threat and there is a desperate need to preserve roosting and feeding sites to ensure their preservation now and into the future. The mud flats and mangrove areas should be maintained for the present and future generations. Many people from all over the world come to Wynnum/Manly to observe the unique bird life’.
    • ‘I value that there is plenty of easy and free parking, the wonderful free parks like Whale Park for kids, local dining and cafes are also important, as well as the walking paths’.
    • ‘The tranquillity, meeting and greeting other regular walkers and their dogs, the markets, the off-leash beach, the Manly pool, the coffee shops. I don’t care if the tide is in or out, if the sun is shining or rain threatening. I love Wynnum, Manly Lota foreshore’.

    What else did we learn?

    • The community would like improvements/upgrades to walking paths, playground facilities and amenities like seating and rubbish bins
    • People value the shaded areas and would like to see more
    • Informational signs about the history and biodiversity of the area would be welcomed
    • Preserving the natural beauty of the foreshores is important.