Lutwyche Road and Harris Street intersection upgrade

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Council is currently investigating 3 potential solutions to improve safety for all road users at the intersection of Lutwyche Road and Harris Street in Windsor. The intersection has a history of traffic accidents, including 8 accidents since 2015, primarily associated with right turning traffic both into and out of Harris Street. In a recent review of the intersection, 26 near misses were identified over the course of one week.

Council is seeking your feedback on each of the potential designs to understand the thoughts, perspectives and insights of those who use the intersection. This information will then be used to finalise a design to improve safety for all road users.

It is important to note that a final detailed design and construction is dependent on future budget allocation and city-wide priorities.

Have your say

Council invites you to explore the 3 potential designs below, reviewing the features, benefits and considerations of each design, and then provide your feedback via the survey by 11:59pm, Sunday 15 September 2024.

Council is currently investigating 3 potential solutions to improve safety for all road users at the intersection of Lutwyche Road and Harris Street in Windsor. The intersection has a history of traffic accidents, including 8 accidents since 2015, primarily associated with right turning traffic both into and out of Harris Street. In a recent review of the intersection, 26 near misses were identified over the course of one week.

Council is seeking your feedback on each of the potential designs to understand the thoughts, perspectives and insights of those who use the intersection. This information will then be used to finalise a design to improve safety for all road users.

It is important to note that a final detailed design and construction is dependent on future budget allocation and city-wide priorities.

Have your say

Council invites you to explore the 3 potential designs below, reviewing the features, benefits and considerations of each design, and then provide your feedback via the survey by 11:59pm, Sunday 15 September 2024.

  • Design A - one way westbound on Harris Street

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    Features - what the proposed design involved

    • Install signage and road markings to change Harris Street to a one way westbound street, from Lutwyche Road to Arwin Terrace.
    • Upgrade and relocate the traffic signals to:
      • fully control the right turn into Harris Street from Lutwyche Road
      • realign the signalised crossing further south on Lutwyche Road
      • create a new signalised crossing on Harris Street.

    Benefits - why we are proposing the features of this design

    • Improve road user safety by signalising the right turn movement into Harris Street from Lutwyche Road, to control the movement.
    • Improve safety for all road users by removing the right turn movement out of Harris Street into Lutwyche Road, eliminating any potential for conflict.
    • Improve safety on Harris Street by only permitting one way westbound travel for motorists, allowing more road space for motorists to navigate the narrow street.
    • Improve connectivity and promote a safer environment for people walking through the area by relocating and creating a new signalised crossing and upgrading footpaths at the intersection.
    • No land resumption required.

    Considerations - things to consider about this proposed design

  • Design B - left in and left out of Harris Street

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    Features - what the proposed design involves

    • Install a raised traffic island on Lutwyche Road to:
      • restrict the right turn movement out of Harris Street into Lutwyche Road
      • restrict the right turn movement from Lutwyche Road into Harris Street.
    • Upgrade and relocate the traffic signals to realign the signalised crossing further south on Lutwyche Road.
    • Resume land on the south-west corner of the intersection and undertake reinstatement works to allow for the reconstruction and widening of footpath.

    Benefits - why we are proposing the feature of this design

    • Improve safety for all road users by removing the right turn out of Harris Street into Lutwyche Road, eliminating any potential for conflict.
    • Improve safety for motorists on Lutwyche Road by removing the right turn movement into Harris Street from Lutwyche Road, eliminating any potential for conflict.
    • Improve connectivity and promote a safer environment for people walking through the area by:
      • relocating the signalised crossing on Lutwyche Road further south to provide a better alignment
      • removing the right turn out of Harris Street to ensure no potential for conflicts
      • installing raised traffic islands to provide better protection
      • upgrade and widen footpath and kerb ramps.
    • Maintain left in and left out turn movement of Harris Street.

    Considerations - things to consider about this proposed design

    • No right turn permitted into or out of Harris Street.
    • Resumption of land on the south-west corner of the intersection entails a lengthy legal process before construction works can commence.
    • New travel routes will be required for motorists:
  • Design C - signal upgrade and restricted turning movements

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    Features - what the proposed design involves

    • Install signage, raised traffic islands and upgrade the traffic signals to remove the right turn movement out of Harris Street into Lutwyche Road.
    • Upgrade and relocate the traffic signals to:
      • fully control the right turn into Harris Street from Lutwyche Road
      • signalise the left turn into Lutwyche Road from Harris Street
      • create a new signalised crossing on Harris Street
      • realign the signalised crossing further down south on Lutwyche Road.
    • Resume land on the south-west corner of the intersection and undertake reinstatement works to allow for the reconstruction and widening of footpath.

    Benefits - why we are proposing the features of this design

    • Improve safety for all road users by removing the right turn out of Harris Street into Lutwyche Road, eliminating any potential for conflict.
    • Improve road user safety by controlling the right turn into Harris Street from Lutwyche Road.
    • Improve road user safety by signalising the left turn into Lutwyche Road from Harris Street.
    • Improve connectivity and promote a safer environment for people walking through the area by:
      • relocating the signalised crossing on Lutwyche Road further south to provide better alignment
      • removing the right run out of Harris Street to ensure no potential for conflicts
      • installing raised traffic islands to provide better protection
      • upgrading and widening footpath and kerb ramps.
    • Maintain left in and left out turn movement of Harris Street.

    Considerations - things to consider about this proposed design

    • New travel routes will be required for motorists to travel southbound on Lutwyche Road from Harris Street (see 'Potential new travel route - Design C').
    • Resumption of land on the south-west corner of the intersection entails a lengthy legal process before construction works can commence.

Page last updated: 13 Aug 2024, 08:48 AM