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This community engagement stage is now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
Brisbane City Council is working with the local community to revitalise the neighbourhood precinct at the corner of Ryans Road and Robinson Road, Nundah. This is part of the Better Suburbs - Places and Spaces (BSPS) program and Council's commitment to creating a city of vibrant neighbourhoods.
The local community were encouraged to become involved in the project by providing your feedback and ideas for the site's future transformation. We wanted to hear ideas to revitalise this area for Nundah locals, whether it be a place for people to sit, meet and socialise, a playful space, or even an opportunity to rejuvenate and rest.
We thank everyone who provided their ideas and participated in this stage of the project.
Have your say
Council invited the community to have their say on the project via:
Online engagement:
completing a short 'design themes' survey
share your 'vision statement'
Online engagement activities closed 11:59pm, Sunday 10 December 2023.
In-person engagement activities:
Dotmocracy and ideas board - this was located outside Blockhouse Coffee, between Monday 20 November to Sunday 10 December (130 Ryans Road Nundah, Qld 4012) for the community to share and vote.
An interactive community workshop was held on Saturday 2 December 2023.
Your feedback assisted Council in understanding what the community values in their neighbourhood. A summary of the community's feedback is available below and has informed the proposed concept design which will be released in mid-2024.
This community engagement stage is now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
Brisbane City Council is working with the local community to revitalise the neighbourhood precinct at the corner of Ryans Road and Robinson Road, Nundah. This is part of the Better Suburbs - Places and Spaces (BSPS) program and Council's commitment to creating a city of vibrant neighbourhoods.
The local community were encouraged to become involved in the project by providing your feedback and ideas for the site's future transformation. We wanted to hear ideas to revitalise this area for Nundah locals, whether it be a place for people to sit, meet and socialise, a playful space, or even an opportunity to rejuvenate and rest.
We thank everyone who provided their ideas and participated in this stage of the project.
Have your say
Council invited the community to have their say on the project via:
Online engagement:
completing a short 'design themes' survey
share your 'vision statement'
Online engagement activities closed 11:59pm, Sunday 10 December 2023.
In-person engagement activities:
Dotmocracy and ideas board - this was located outside Blockhouse Coffee, between Monday 20 November to Sunday 10 December (130 Ryans Road Nundah, Qld 4012) for the community to share and vote.
An interactive community workshop was held on Saturday 2 December 2023.
Your feedback assisted Council in understanding what the community values in their neighbourhood. A summary of the community's feedback is available below and has informed the proposed concept design which will be released in mid-2024.