Crazy Compost Lady

I thought I'd share a little tip on behaviour change around compost. I refer to the saying 'Monkey see, monkey do', something we've been conscious of in our parenting style. If you want someone to do something, you need to lead by example.

My son, who I should be going to collect (but thought I'd squeeze this one in, as you do!) , is a sport addict, just like his dad! As a result I spend a lot of time at the side of cricket fields, athletics' tracks, velodromes and criterion racing tracks. Fortunately for me cycling and cricket families are very sociable folk and thus spending whole mornings, or indeed weekends in their company is not such a hardship. Spending so much time in the company of sporting folk, not my natural leaning, has made me realise how much fruit is consumed in this context! A great composting opportunity I thought, so I started to take my BCC Compost Caddy to cricket. On the days I forgot it, people would come and ask for it, even tell me about their shifts in recycling behaviour, seeking acknowledgement!

I now take my caddy to all sporting fixtures. I may be regarded as a 'That Crazy Compost Lady', I don't know, but if it influences changes in behaviour, I'm all for it. I wonder if, when he wins his first Tour de France he'll mention it!! :-)

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Admin Commented CristalLau over 2 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Julie 'That Crazy Compost Lady'. Your story is very encouraging and inspiring. You are definitely influencing others by leading a great example :) Keep up the good work!
Share Thank you so much for sharing your story, Julie 'That Crazy Compost Lady'. Your story is very encouraging and inspiring. You are definitely influencing others by leading a great example :) Keep up the good work! on Facebook Share Thank you so much for sharing your story, Julie 'That Crazy Compost Lady'. Your story is very encouraging and inspiring. You are definitely influencing others by leading a great example :) Keep up the good work! on Twitter Share Thank you so much for sharing your story, Julie 'That Crazy Compost Lady'. Your story is very encouraging and inspiring. You are definitely influencing others by leading a great example :) Keep up the good work! on Linkedin Email Thank you so much for sharing your story, Julie 'That Crazy Compost Lady'. Your story is very encouraging and inspiring. You are definitely influencing others by leading a great example :) Keep up the good work! link