Graceville Community Garden looking for ideas
I'd like to share some thoughts/experiences on the Community Composting Hub at Graceville Community Garden.
We've been operating around three years, but have come to a point where we are facing the following issues
1) the volume of food waste
2) lack of people power to process this waste
3) storage of maturing compost
4) redistribution of mature compost
We've just commenced a monthly vist arranged through the BCC from Mark - goinggreenaustralia. He is emptying the collection bins into our composting bays.
Liz, one of our gardeners, had a positive response to her post on GCG facebook requesting community support with composting.
Today we had a meeting and have decided on the following actions
1) arranging a meeting this week with the responders on facebook to work out a schedule to empty the bins and turn the compost in the bays
2) we will continue with the hub until such times as we run out of storage room and then review for further action.
During a seventeen day period from 10/11/21 - 27/11/21, I calculate that we processed nine small bins and one large bin. On two separate occasions we also had boxes of fruit and vegies left. These were not household waste.
Conversing with some of the people dropping off their waste, virtually very few of them are registered with the BCC so the volume of waste is much higher than the BCC would assume; based on their incorrect data.
Without additional resources we will be reach a point where we will have to discontinue our Hub. This will put additional strain on other local composting hubs and redirect the food waste back to landfill.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post and we look forward to your responses.
Graceville Community garden